OT 618-960-4066 SLP 541-490-8448
Responsive & holistic approach to pediatric feeding disorders in
the Treasure Valley.
At Whole Child Feeding Therapy we are passionate about discovering and treating the root of the feeding problems that your little one has as well as equipping YOU, the parent, to navigate the challenges these problems can bring

Is your child struggling with...
~breast feeding?
~bottle feeding?
~transitioning to solids safely?
~improving oral motor skills after a lingual and/or labial release?
Learning to breast feed your child is not always simple. Is baby struggling to latch successfully and maintain latch, gassy after feeds, uncomfortable after feeds or nursing non-stop? There may be an underlying issue that we can help you discover and sort out!
Are you getting ready to return to work and introduction of the bottle has felt like a failure? Many babies struggle to transition from exclusively nursing at the breast into successful bottle use. We can help assess the baby's oral motor skills and function and facilitate improvements!
Transitioning to solids can be scary, confusing, exciting and emotional! There is a lot of information available to new moms, which adds pressure to deciding when and how to introduce. We can walk alongside you through this journey and help you determine the best path for you and your baby based on his/her skills.

“There are two lasting bequests we can give our children, One is roots, the other is wings.” -Hodding Carter
It all starts with a phone call from you!
During this conversation we can discuss the challenges you and your child are facing. We work with nursing mothers and babies, families attempting to introduce a bottle in order to return to work, babies transitioning to solids, oral motor deficits, tethered oral tissues and more.
We will determine the best time to come to your home and provide a thorough assessment of your child’s feeding skills. Based on your concerns and the baby/child's diagnosis, the OT and/or the SLP will complete the evaluation. This will take 60-90 minutes. When we leave your home, we will provide you with practical hands-on information that you can begin utilizing immediately. We will create a plan to address the goals of the child and your family.
Some little ones need the support of both the OT and the SLP, as well as possible referrals to other specialists within the Treasure Valley. These may include PT, ENT, GI, Chiropractors, Cranio-Sacral therapy and others. We look forward to walking alongside you to provide support and guidance throughout your little one’s journey.
What Empowered Parents Say
Kristen and Kristen were the absolute best! It was so convenient to have them come to my house after our baby girl was born. They were available to help us when the other lactation consultants were too busy to even call us back. They are both so friendly and were able to help us navigate through our baby’s lip and tongue tie release. They were very knowledgeable about optimal feeding positions for my flat nipples and exercises to help with our baby’s development. We had communicated our interest in introducing a bottle so we could go on the occasional date night, and they let us test some bottles first so we could find the right one for our little one before making a purchase. Kristen helped me become better aquatinted with my breast pump and was a wealth of knowledge when it came to resources for tailoring my pump to my own body and pumping needs. We were so happy with their excellent care and kindness during the first hectic months of our baby’s life that we would definitely use Whole Child Feeding again and would gladly recommend them to our friends. Thank you so much for everything Kristen and Kristen!
Meridian, ID
I am so thankful for Whole Child Feeding Therapy! My baby struggled with oral motor dysfunction and wouldn’t take a bottle while I was at work. They really looked at my baby from every angle to see what was going on. Kristen helped us as we transitioned him to solids to make sure that he was happy and healthy while I was at work. Kristen was so easy to work with and made us feel so supported. She checked in with us during the week and celebrated when things were going well. My son is now gaining weight well and eating so much better!
Boise, ID
Kristen & Kristen have been working with my son since he was ~7 months old, and he has made tremendous progress with his ability to self feed! When he started feeding therapy he had an oral aversion and wouldn’t self feed, and he even rejected spoon feeding. Fast forward almost 5 months he is putting everything in his mouth and his skills with utensils are getting better each week. I’m confident in the wholistic manner in which they have treated my son, and referred us to, and communicated with, other appropriate providers to further improve his mobility and feeding ability. They are very professional, patient and encouraging and informative; they explain things clearly and set realistic goals and expectations for their clients.
Boise, ID